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About Hobbs

About Hobbs Nature Reserve

the History

Hobbs is a Nature Reserve that was designated by Natural England as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in 1996. Hobbs is of international significance as it contains a bank of exposed rock of specialised reef development including fossils that existed during the Silurian Period some 443.8 million years ago. This means that Hobbs has been recognised for its significant scientific and ecological value. These sites are legally protected under UK law to conserve their natural habitats, wildlife, geological features, or other aspects of scientific interest. SSSIs are selected based on their importance for biodiversity, geological conservation, or ecological research. 

During its history, Hobbs was a working quarry and operated from the seventeenth to the late nineteenth century, as indicated on the 1889 OS map. It primarily produced burning-lime, evident from the remaining kiln at the southern end of the reserve. It is after the quarrying that the classic exposures of Silurian Wenlock limestone were revealed, featuring the striking algal and coral reefs known as 'ballstones' due to their circular cross-section.

The Present

Today Hobbs is an open space that the public can enjoy. As well as the study of  fossils, additional conservation work is carried out protecting the resident Hazel Dormice.  Management of its woodland is completed clearing areas so the rare plants and flowers can thrive.

In 2021, the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust undertook a strategic review of their reserves throughout the county. As result of this review, it was decided that the Trust would dispose of a number of their smaller reserves, including Hobbs Nature Reserve. A group of people living in the locality had been involved in volunteering at the reserve. Having approached the GWT in August 2022, the Charity Commission accepted the application for Hobbs Nature Reserve Trust (HNRT) to be registered as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. (Registration No. 1200263). In August 2023, the reserve ownership was transferred from GWT to the newly formed Hobbs Nature Reserve Trust. Members of this new charity are a team of dedicated locals who are also experts in conservation and geology.


The Team

Currently the Hobbs Charitable Organisation is made up of 10 local volunteers who also form the charities Committee. As well as being part of the Committee and the decision making process involving future plans to protect the reserve, the team carry out manual work on the management of the  coppice and woodland trees, checking the Hazel Doormice boxes, clearing the waste and unwanted debris and returning the reserve to its full glory. The goal is to coordinate future plans that will help improve, protect and manage the reserve and to also raise public awareness to this special location.

The Future 

The Constitution Objectives 

The objectives are to maintain the site by managing and protecting the woodland, mammals, birds, insects to plants and flowers. The new team intend to uphold the following objectives to provide longevity and a space for everyone to enjoy far into the future. 

  • To promote for the benefit of the public the conservation protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment by promoting biological diversity”.
  • To maintain the reserve in compliance with its designation as a Site of Special Scientific Interest following government guidance.
  • To preserve, enhance, and explain the geologically significant rock exposures on the site, particularly emphasising their significance to the local community and schools.
  • To maintain access to this geologically significant site for the benefit of future research and field investigations.
  • To promote the reserve in the locality as a public amenity and by doing so, encourage support for conservation at the reserve and more widely, particular emphasis will be given to engaging young people in conservation and encouraging their collaboration with the charity.

Contact Us

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