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Sponsors and Supporters


Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust

We are grateful that the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust (GWT) had the confidence to transfer the ownership of the reserve to the Hobbs Nature Reserve Trust. This has meant ensuring the future sustainability and preservation of the biodiversity and the important geological structures on the site. Staff at the GWT provided ongoing support and financial assistance to cover the costs of the transfer of the land. The GWT undertook significant work to minimise the potential problems associated with ash dieback disease by felling trees that could potentially pose a hazard to visitors to the reserve. Following the transfer to HNRT, we have continued to receive advice from the local GWT manager.


Innovation Visual Ltd

Most recent donations both in kind, (this website build for example) as well as regular financial support, are being provided by Innovation Visual Ltd, based in Surrey, UK. Innovation Visual are a digital marketing agency whose owners are committed to environmental causes with a strong environmental strategy and a history of providing’s financial support to conservation charities. Innovation Visual show their commitment through membership with the internationally recognised 1% for the Planet who are an internationally recognised organisation based in the USA that supports conservation work throughout the world. Membership equates to committing to a minimum donation every year. To enable Hobbs to receive these donations, the HNRT successfully applied to 1% for the Planet to be recognised as a sustainable conservation charity. 
The donation support has allowed HNRT to update its marketing with a new logo, website, the purchase of a large number of Dormice nest boxes, and safety wear for the volunteers when they are carrying out tree felling and clearing. Also, Innovation Visual are funding the design and provision of display boards which will be located at the site to welcome and inform visitors. These are planned for 2024.

Pitman Blackstock White Solicitors

During the process of transferring the land to HNRT, we are truly grateful to have received invaluable support and advice from locally based Forest of Dean solicitors Pitman Blackstock and White.

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Trees Planted
Changing Life Since
21 +
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Case Study

Air Pollution
What’s currently happening in Air Pollution all around the world? AQI region-wise.

Planning and zoning are examples of mitigation actions, as are floodplain protection, property acquisition and relocation, and public outreach projects. Installing disaster warning systems, purchasing radio communications equipment, and conducting emergency response training are examples of preparedness actions. Disaster mitigation is at the heart of emergency management.

Human degradation of nature is the greatest challenge of the twenty-first century, yet it barely registers as a political issue. Environment solutions often create jobs & economic opportunities.

Goldie D. Taylor

The Environment is All We Have In Common

The reserve is owned by the Hobbs Nature Reserve Trust (Charity Commission Registration Number 1200263) and managed and maintained by the trustees of the charity and a group of volunteers. [link to section on volunteering] The reserve relies on public donations . to continue the management and maintenance work. If you would like to volunteer to support the reserve either by a donation by helping us on working parties, please contact us through our email.